Diary of a Rugby Champ

by Shamini Flint (Author)

Book Cover for Diary of a Rugby Champ

   Book 4   
Pages: 108

My name is Marcus Atkinson and I am nine years old.
Dad's totally lost it! He wants me to play rugby.
Rugby's different from soccer and cricket.
In soccer and cricket you get hurt by accident.
In rugby, they hurt you on purpose!

Marcus Atkinson is a Rugby Champ...NOT! But his Dad is convinced that Marcus has magic in his hands. Can this maths whiz overcome his lack of natural ability through sheer determination? Probably not, but it's worth a try!

Fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid will enjoy the cheeky humour and stick-figure cartoons Marcus uses to tell his hilarious story, while kids who love playing sport will enjoy learning a surprising amount about rugby.

Diary of a Sports Star Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Diary of a Sports Star
Reading level: 7+
Books in series: 10
Read in order? No
Tags: sport  comedy & humour  cartoon  school  family 

 Print series book list

Books in series order

1.   Diary of a Soccer Star  (2010)
2.   Diary of a Cricket God  (2012)
3.   Diary of a Taekwondo Master  (2013)
4.   Diary of a Rugby Champ  (2013)
5.   Diary of a Track and Field Titan  (2014)
6.   Diary of a Super Swimmer  (2014)
7.   Diary of a Golf Pro  (2015)
8.   Diary of a Basketball Hero  (2015)
9.   Diary of a Tennis Prodigy  (2016)
10.   Diary of an AFL Legend  (2017)