The Diary of a Sports Star Series

by Shamini Flint (Author) Sally Heinrich (Illustrator)

Book Cover for the Diary of a Sports Star Series
Reading level: Ages 7 and up
Books in series: 10
Read in order: No
Tags: sport  comedy & humour  cartoon  school  family 

Marcus is a Maths whiz who is not so good at sport. His dad is a self-help author who thinks Marcus can achieve anything he sets his mind to, but always fails to predict the hilarious results. In illustrated diary format, Marcus's gentle, satiric humour and comic drawings will have readers laughing out loud while learning a surprising amount about the various sports at which he tries his hand.

At its heart, this series is about 'having a go'. Whether you love playing sport, or can never quite get the hang of it, you are sure to enjoy laughing along with Marcus as he continues to try his very best, despite a serious lack of natural sporting ability!

Diary of a Sports Star Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Diary of a Soccer Star  (2010)
2. Diary of a Cricket God  (2012)
3. Diary of a Taekwondo Master  (2013)
4. Diary of a Rugby Champ  (2013)
5. Diary of a Track and Field Titan  (2014)
6. Diary of a Super Swimmer  (2014)
7. Diary of a Golf Pro  (2015)
8. Diary of a Basketball Hero  (2015)
9. Diary of a Tennis Prodigy  (2016)
10. Diary of an AFL Legend  (2017)