The Clued-Up Six Series

by Pam Harvey (Co-Author) Michael Panckridge (Co-Author)

Book Cover for the Clued-Up Six Series
Reading level: Ages 9 and up
Books in series: 6
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: mystery  adventure  sport  friendship  crime 

In this fast-paced series, six friends—Emilio De Luglio (E.D.), Angus, Hannah, Gabby, Ling and Sean—become involved in different mysteries when they encounter suspicious characters and events. Set against the backdrop and competition of various sports, each book features one of the friends in turn.

Clued-Up Six Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Faster Than Lightning  (2006)
2. In the Deep End  (2007)
3. Ghost of a Chance  (2007)
4. Taking the Chequered Flag  (2008)
5. Into the Fire  (2008)
6. Out of the Blue  (2009)