Wandering Son Volume 5

by Shimura Takako (Author/Illustrator)

Book Cover for Wandering Son Volume 5

   Book 5   
Pages: 220

In the fourth volume of the acclaimed series about transgendered kids exploring their unfolding identities, we've reached a big event: the junior high school entrance ceremony. The boys wear black uniforms with stand-up collars based on mid-19th century European military uniforms and the girls wear navy blazers, tan skirts, and red ribbon neckties.

Enter our heroes: Nitori-kun is forced to wear a boy's uniform while Takatsuki-san has to wear a girl's! Yet one girl—Sarashia Chizuru—draws stares, whispers, and pointed fingers when the long-haired beauty arrives wearing a boy's uniform. Both Nitori-kun and Takatsuki-san are awed by the girl's courage, but Takatsuki-san is particularly vexed by their own faintheartedness. They envy more than a few other students who experience such liberty in wearing either uniform and ponder what it ultimately means about themselves. And so our protagonists set off on the journey to adolescence . . .

Wandering Son Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Wandering Son
Reading level: 13+
Books in series: 8
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: graphic novel  illustrated  realistic fiction  culture  school  friendship 

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Books in series order

1.   Wandering Son Volume 1  (2011)
2.   Wandering Son Volume 2  (2012)
3.   Wandering Son Volume 3  (2012)
4.   Wandering Son Volume 4  (2013)
5.   Wandering Son Volume 5  (2013)
6.   Wandering Son Volume 6  (2014)
7.   Wandering Son Volume 7  (2014)
8.   Wandering Son Volume 8  (2015)