The White Rose

by Amy Ewing (Author)

Book Cover for The White Rose

   Book 2   
Pages: 320

Violet is on the run. After the Duchess of the Lake catches Violet with Ash, the hired companion at the Palace of the Lake, Violet has no choice but to escape the Jewel or face certain death. So along with Ash and her best friend, Raven, Violet runs away from her unbearable life of servitude.

But no one said leaving the Jewel would be easy. As they make their way through the circles of the Lone City, Regimentals track their every move, and the trio barely manages to make it out unscathed and into the safe haven they were promised — a mysterious house in the Farm.

But there’s a rebellion brewing, and Violet has found herself in the middle of it. Alongside a new ally, Violet discovers her Auguries are much more powerful than she ever imagined. But is she strong enough to rise up against the Jewel and everything she has ever known?

Lone City Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Lone City
Reading level: 14+
Books in series: 5
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: dystopian  romance  fantasy  suspense 

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Books in series order

1.   The Jewel  (2014)
2.   The White Rose  (2015)
3.   The Black Key  (2016)
+   The House of the Stone  (2015)
+   A Lone City Novella: Garnet's Story  (2016)