
by Scott Westerfeld (Author)

Book Cover for Specials

   Book 3   
Pages: 350

Special Circumstances: The words have sent chills down Tally's spine since her days as a repellent, rebellious Ugly. Back then Specials were a sinister rumour – frighteningly beautiful, dangerously strong, breathtakingly fast. Ordinary Pretties might live their whole lives without meeting a Special. And now Tally's been turned into one of them: a super-amped fighting machine, engineered to keep the Uglies down and the Pretties stupid. The strength, the speed, the clarity and focus feel better than anything she can remember. Although, some small part of Tally remembers something more. Still, that's easy to tune out – until she's offered a chance to stamp out the rebels of the New Smoke permanently. It all comes down to one last choice: listen to that tiny, faint voice or carry out the mission she's programmed to complete. Either way, Tally's world will never be the same.

Uglies Series—Summary and Book Order

Series: Uglies
Reading level: 12+
Books in series: 4
Read in order? Yes
Next release: Finished
Tags: dystopian  science fiction  fantasy  romance 

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Books in series order

1.   Uglies  (2005)
2.   Pretties  (2005)
3.   Specials  (2006)
4.   Extras  (2007)