The Circle Opens Series

by Tamora Pierce (Author)

Book Cover for the Circle Opens Series
Reading level: Ages 11 and up
Books in series: 4
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: fantasy  adventure  magic 

The Circle Opens Quartet is the sequel quartet to The Circle Of Magic Quartet and continues the story of the four mages - Sandry, Tris, Daja & Briar. The students are now 14 years old and fully qualified mages. Briar, Tris and Daja have gone travelling with their teachers, and Sandry has moved in with her great uncle, Duke Vedris, in the Duke's Citadel. They believe they're still too young to teach but the decision is not up to them. Each of the four finds someone with magic, and according to the rules they must become the teacher until a more suitable one can be found. Each of the four also encounters a series of crimes they feel obligated to stop, and they must balance their teaching responsibilities with aiding the law.

Circle Opens Series Books in Order

 Print series book list

1. Magic Steps  (2000)
2. Street Magic  (2001)
3. Cold Fire  (2002)
4. Shatterglass  (2003)