The Don't Look Now Series

by Paul Jennings (Author) Andrew Weldon (Cartoonist)

Book Cover for the Don't Look Now Series
Reading level: Ages 7 and up
Books in series: 4
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: comedy & humour  school  friendship  magic  cartoon  graphic novel 

Ricky is an ordinary boy, who dreams of being famous. And he has a secret that might just help him realise his dream. Because Ricky can fly. Truly. He can really fly. But there's a hitch. He can only fly when absolutely no one is looking. If a person, an animal or a bird sees him while he's flying, he will fall out of the sky and almost certainly die. But Ricky is desperate. Will he risk flying in public, just for a shot at fame?

Each book in this funny and inspiring four-part series contains two laugh-out-loud stories about Ricky's adventures - on and off the ground. Children's book legend Paul Jennings and brilliant cartoonist Andrew Weldon have collaborated to design a series which balances text and cartoons to appeal to both reluctant and confident readers alike.