The Violet Mackerel Series

by Anna Branford (Author) Sarah Davis (Illustrator) Sarah Davis (Illustrator)

Book Cover for the Violet Mackerel Series
Reading level: Ages 6 and up
Books in series: 9
Read in order: No
Next book: Finished
Tags: first chapter books  realistic fiction  illustrated  comedy & humour 

Introducing Violet Mackerel, a charismatic new chapter book star with a zest for life and an endearing, relatable voice akin to Ramona Quimby and Junie B. Jones.

Violet is a seven-year-old with a knack for appreciating the smallest things in life. Her “Theory of Finding Small Things” states that the moment of finding a tiny treasure usually coincides with the moment of having a genius idea. This irresistibly charming series starring Violet and her family has pitch-perfect perspective and plenty of laugh-out-loud humor.